Tag Archives: people

Day 8: Good News of Great Joy

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” —Luke 2:10-11

It is always pleasant to receive good news. More often than not, the news we hear is not good. This is because we don’t live in a good-news-world. I remember asking a cashier at Walmart if she’d heard any good news recently and she said, “I work at Walmart, what do you think?” Bad news prevails today—nearly every week you hear of something tragic such as gun violence or a natural disaster. It would encourage us all to hear more good news than bad.

The good news, however, is that there is good news. And this good news is pervasive and perennial—relevant for all generations ever since it was first announced 2,000 years ago. This good news (the greatest news) is that the Savior had come—He had been born in Bethlehem. And this news is greater than the news that Santa has visited your home with gifts. The long-awaited Messiah, the Savior of God’s people, He had finally come to earth to bring salvation.

The angel said to the shepherds that he came bearing good news of great joy. And there are four features to this good news. First, this good news calms fears: “Fear not.” The shepherds do not need to fear. The good news of Christ’s coming to the world eliminates fear of judgment or death. Second, this good news produces joy. It is the good news of “great joy.” The good news of Christ’s coming produces great joy, bliss, and gladness. Third, this good news is for everyone—it is for “all the people.” The good news of Jesus is for you, no matter where you come from, who you are, or what you’ve done. Fourth and finally, the good news is about Jesus. One who is Savior, Christ, and Lord has come.

Good news like this deserves to be believed and published. So, do you believe it? Do you believe that Christ came into the world to bring salvation for you? And if you do believe it, who do you know that doesn’t? Will you publish this good news of great joy to them?

profile pic5Brandon is the founder and main contributor to Brandon’s Desk, the blog with biblical resources from his ministry. He is proud to be the pastor of the family of believers at Locust Grove Baptist Church in Murray, Kentucky. He and his wife Dakota live there with their three dogs, Susie, Aries, and Dot.

You Are God’s Possession (Eph. 1:11-12)

The following sermon was delivered at Locust Grove Baptist Church in Murray, Kentucky, on the 30th day of September 2018, during the morning service:

profile pic5Brandon is the founder and main contributor to Brandon’s Desk, the blog with biblical resources from his ministry. He is proud to be the pastor of the family of believers at Locust Grove Baptist Church in Murray, Kentucky. He and his wife Dakota live there with their two dogs, Susie and Aries.

Introduction to Ephesians: God’s Word to God’s People About God’s Blessings (Eph. 1:1-2)

The following sermon was delivered at Locust Grove Baptist Church in Murray, Kentucky, on the 12th day of August 2018, during the morning service:

profile pic5Brandon is the founder and main contributor to Brandon’s Desk, the blog with free Christian resources from his ministry. He is proud to be the pastor of the family of believers at Locust Grove Baptist Church in Murray, Kentucky. He and his wife Dakota live there with their two dogs, Susie and Aries.